Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day 2013

So today is Father's Day.  A day that always brings forth both happy and sad feelings.  Sad for the loss of loved ones and happiness for all your dad has done to shape who you are today.  For those of us who grew up in the 40's and 50's our fathers were very much like the famous fathers of the television sitcoms.  The bread winners who came home to dinner with the whole family at the dinner table.  Dad's who had survived the depression of the 30's and WWII in the 40's.  Dad's who had a job that had a future and the hope of something better for their kids.  My father provided all of this plus a strict hand in his discipline for misbehavior.  A guy that worked hard and sacrificed to provide the best that the time could offer. 

The house that Dad built and the pine tree planted at the beginning of construction are seen in this photo taken at Christmas with Joe Kerr, Dorothy Kerr and sons Jerry and Terry with their new red wagons.  This was always a favorite gift from my Dad.  He loved giving wagons to kids for presents and cast iron skillets to newly weds.  Oh how that neighborhood changed over the years.

For me, I really appreciated the major sacrifices he would make to provide vacations that we have never forgotten.   From Jeep runs over a weekend, or holiday trips to the Salton Sea, or the 52 day cross country trip, we always had interesting and educational experiences..  Not sure how much of a "vacation" they were for him,  Often, he would work extra jobs prior to the trip to earn enough money so we could go.  If that failed, he would borrow from the bank just for the trip and then work extra to pay off the loan.  This was his way of making sure that we had the opportunity to see all we could about our great country.

One of my favorite Dad moments was this one in 1969 when Dad brought his 14 month old grandson Jason his little red wagon. Jason's bib overalls and Dad's playful look always brings a smile to my face. 

Dad, I hope these photos and our memories of these times brings a smile to your face too.

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